Our lawyers advise and represent both corporate entities and private individuals in their civil and commercial disputes.
We act at both the pre-litigation and litigation stages, in summary proceedings as well as on the merits, before all competent courts in France.
Our areas of expertise include the search for and establishment of evidence, contractual disputes, tort law, wrongful termination (negotiations, commercial relations), conflicts between partners or shareholders, fraud, unfair competition, and counterfeiting (art market, copyright).
Our lawyers assist both corporate entities and individuals, both defendants and victims, before all criminal courts in France.
Our practice encompasses both general criminal law (related to individuals or property) and business criminal law (misuse of corporate assets, accounting offences, criminal tax law, etc.). Our lawyers also have particular expertise in seizures and confiscations.
Our lawyers are involved at all stages of criminal proceedings: filing and following up complaints, assisting defendants during investigations (police custody, open hearings) or judicial inquiries (questioning before the examining magistrate, appeals to the chambre de l’instruction), assisting defendants during the trial phase before all the competent criminal courts in France (tribunal correctionnel, cour d’assises, chambre criminelle).
Our lawyers advise and represent individuals and legal entities in press law matters, both as defendants and plaintiffs, before criminal or civil courts.
Our practice includes press law offenses (defamation, insult), image rights, invasion of privacy, as well as proceedings relating to the Internet and social networks (notification of illicit content, right to be forgotten and removal of content, etc.).